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Ronda Louis-Jeune , born and raised in Canada Graduated from the University of Ottawa in International Studies and Modern Languages. She considers herself as being a polyglot. She intends to do a second degree in Translation. Amanda started to sing at the age of 3. She would stand in front of the television and watch Michael Jackson music video and try to repeat what he was doing. She did her first live performance at her aunt’s wedding, she was 6. Her passion for music and singing grew within the choir of her uncle back in Belgium. She writes her own songs and composes her own melody.

Tammyre Louis-Jeune 2ième place du Concours Jeune Ambassadrice Canada
Le samedi 13 mai 2006 devant plus que 600 spectateurs au Centre Leonardo da Vinci de Montréal Tammyre Louis-Jeune, 9ième année a été la gagnante de 2ieme place du Concours Jeune Ambassadrice Canada. Le Concours Jeune Ambassadrice Canada a été pensé et conçu afin de répondre au besoins des jeunes qui formeront l’élite de demain, de s’enrichir de connaissances éducatives, humanitaire, et divertissantes, complémentaires à celles offertes en milieu familial et scolaires. Les 13 jeunes filles venant du Québec et de l’Ontario ont participé au concours qui a été lancé au mois de février dernier. Elles ont visité plusieurs endroits, dont le siège des Nation Unies à New-York, Le gala de UNIFEM Canada, Fonds de développement pour les femmes des Nations Unies, et des rencontres avec plusieurs dignitaires et politiciens a fait le tour d’organismes communautaires.
Tammyre dont son titre est Miss Féminisme continue à encourager les jeunes a participer dans des onner leur opinion parce qu’elle croit fortement que l’opirepresente la voix des jeunes femmes qui croit fortement dans vos opiom.
Elle a parrainé un d’un enfant a travers la mission humanitaire euvrant au Canada. l’Organisation Têtes Ensemble Internationale SOS Haiti.

Amanda KayAnzats , born and raised in Belgium. Graduated from the University of Ottawa in International Studies and Modern Languages. She considers herself as being a polyglot. She intends to do a second degree in Translation. Amanda started to sing at the age of 3. She would stand in front of the television and watch Michael Jackson music video and try to repeat what he was doing. She did her first live performance at her aunt’s wedding, she was 6. Her passion for music and singing grew within the choir of her uncle back in Belgium. She writes her own songs and composes her own melody.

Amanda KayAnzats , born and raised in Belgium. Graduated from the University of Ottawa in International Studies and Modern Languages. She considers herself as being a polyglot. She intends to do a second degree in Translation. Amanda started to sing at the age of 3. She would stand in front of the television and watch Michael Jackson music video and try to repeat what he was doing. She did her first live performance at her aunt’s wedding, she was 6. Her passion for music and singing grew within the choir of her uncle back in Belgium. She writes her own songs and composes her own melody.

Amanda KayAnzats , born and raised in Belgium. Graduated from the University of Ottawa in International Studies and Modern Languages. She considers herself as being a polyglot. She intends to do a second degree in Translation. Amanda started to sing at the age of 3. She would stand in front of the television and watch Michael Jackson music video and try to repeat what he was doing. She did her first live performance at her aunt’s wedding, she was 6. Her passion for music and singing grew within the choir of her uncle back in Belgium. She writes her own songs and composes her own melody.
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